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Chemistry and Math

Andrew began his career studying math, participating in MATHCOUNTS and AIME in middle school, and qualifying for the USAJMO twice in high school. However, he mostly focuses on chemistry, and he qualified for the USNCO Study Camp in both 2017 and 2018. In 2018, he attended the International Chemistry Olympiad in the Slovak and Czech Republics, where he won a gold medal. Further, in 2018 he won 1st Place at the Washington University Chemistry Tournament, as well as taking the 1st Place overall team award. 

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Jeff  qualified for the U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad Study Camp in 2016, 2017, and 2018. In 2017, he was selected as the First Alternate for the U.S. team to the International Chemistry Olympiad. In 2018, he won a gold medal at the International Chemistry Olympiad in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. In addition to chemistry, Jeff has also received a Silver Medal in the USA Physics Olympiad and Top 50 in the USA Biology Olympiad. Jeff graduated from MIT in the Class of 2023 and is currently in medical school at Weill Cornell Medicine.

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Joey is a senior who has competed in math for 9 years qualifying for the U.S. (Junior) Mathematics Olympiad in 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018. In 2018 he scored a perfect score on both AMC 12 exams and a 14 out of 15 on the following exam, AIME. He has done several other math contests such as placing top 12 at ARML and top 10 in Algebra at the Harvard-MIT Mathematics Tournament. In addition to math, Joey got a Bronze medal on the U.S. Physics Olympiad in 2018. 

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Anthony Ou is a senior at Carmel High school with a long history in physics. In 2016, he qualified for the USAPhO, in 2017 he obtained a USAPhO gold medal and was selected to be apart of the U.S. Physics camp, and in 2018 he was selected to be apart of the U.S. delegation to the 2018 IPhO where he obtained a silver medal. In addition, Anthony achieved many high awards in other physics competitions including a gold medal in PUPC and PUPC Online, and a divisional first place in Online Physics Brawl. Also, Anthony was apart of a top 16 2018 National Science Bowl team and a finalist team for the 2017 Conrad Spirit of Inovation competition. He is also a 2 time AIME qualifier. 




Kevin Liu has obtained a perfect score on the AMC 10, AMC 12, and AIME, and has qualified for USAJMO 4 times and USAMO twice. He has been invited to the Math Olympiad Summer Program three times, winning USAJMO in 2016 and receiving an Honorable Mention on USAMO in 2018. He has also done well at other math competitions, placing in the top 4 at ARML three times and winning the MATHCOUNTS National Competition in 2015. He qualified for the USNCO study camp in 2017 and received a silver medal on USAPhO in 2018.



Chemistry and Math

Alex first started competition math in middle school, participating in various contests such as MATHCOUNTS and TMSCA. He has also qualified for USAMO five times and was invited to the Math Olympiad Summer Program twice. He has since transitioned into chemistry, and in 2016, he won a gold medal at the International Chemistry Olympiad in Georgia. Alex has also been a teaching assistant for the online class ChemWOOT and has graduated from MIT.

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